✔ How To Protect Your Pc

How to protect your PC. How to protect your PC? If your computer is still experiencing slow performance problems after cleaning the hard drive you may need to do a scan with your anti-virus or anti-spyware. Computer viruses can slow down a computer negatively by altering the user's data or information without permission or without the knowledge of real users.

Spyware collects personal information without telling you and without asking for permission. Of Web sites you visit where you enter the username and passwords, spyware can steal your confidential information. In addition to privacy concerns, spyware can hamper your computer's performance.

If you want to secure your computer, please practice the following tips on "How to protect your PC" the following:

How to protect your PC First

Buy and install anti-spyware application: Adware is application that is installed on your computer, without your knowledge, that allows outsiders to receive a glimpse at your computer activities. Adware is usually more annoying than damaging-if you have been subjected to pop-up ads, you are probably a victim of spyware-but still, purchasing and installing the anti-spyware application will cut out that aggravation and permit your computer to run in a smoother fashion.

How to protect your PC 2

Buy and install anti-virus application: This is the computer security measure everyone can implement basically and quickly. Basically put, the first thing you ought to do on purchasing a merk spanking new computer is add the anti-virus application. It won't secure the computer, but a computer without anti-virus application is hazardous.

How to protect your PC 3

Shut off your computer when you are not using it to protect your PC. Plenty of people like leaving their computers on 24/7 so that they can basically resume work after waking up or returning home. But whenever a computer is on, it is vulnerable to assaults from hackers. A computer that is shut off cannot be infiltrated by the bad guys!

How to protect your PC 4

Password protect your home and/or office wireless router. In case you fail to do so, hackers can worm their way on to your wireless and steal valuable personal knowledge from your computers. This has the added benefit of improving the performance of your wireless Net: Your signal will be stronger without people in nearby homes and offices stealing it.

How to protect your PC 5

Be cautious downloading electronic mail attachments. This qualifies as an "old-fashioned" computer security recommendation, but it is still relevant. Somebody from work sent you a Word doc? You are probably OK. A spammer sent you an attachment in a bizarrely worded electronic mail? Delete, delete, delete! Even be cautious with an electronic mail attachment that has been forwarded to you by somebody else. There is always the chance that the attachment picked up some malicious code at some point.

How to protect your PC 6

Change up your passwords. A simple Google search will reveal common passwords you ought to keep away from using. Also make definite your passwords are not obvious and predictable to those who know you-in other words don't make your passwords the names of your children and don't include the digits of your birthday or anniversary. Try, whenever feasible, to have different passwords for every site, and keep a written document of your passwords in a safe spot.

How to protect your PC 7

Regularly back up important knowledge. This falls under the heading of "you can never be safe." If, despite all of your efforts, something ought to go terribly wrong and a virus or a hacker renders your computer unusable, at least you won't lose your vital files.

How to protect your PC 8

Update all of your application, from your Net browser to necessities such as Word and Adobe Reader. These updates come with valuable patches that address any security issues that have cropped up since the application was released.

How to protect your PC 9

Be vigilant! The most pivotal part of computer security is asking yourself, every single day, "how to protect my computer?" Every day maintenance of your computer is the best way to keep it safe and operating at peak efficiency!

How to protect your PC 10

When making purchases on the Net, only buy from "secured" sites. Failing to do so leaves you vulnerable to identity theft. You can find knowledge about a website's security level at the bottom of the page.

Good luck with tips on how to protect your PC

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